怀安多特县公共卫生部 is responsible for the long-term continuing health protection of the residents and visitors of Wyandot County. 公共卫生应急准备计划的目标是做好准备, 减轻, 回应, 从突发公共卫生事件(如生物恐怖主义行为)中恢复过来, 传染病暴发, 人为和自然灾害.
- 定期更新《十大博彩网站评级》中的公共卫生附件
- 制定并定期更新怀延多特县卫生局标准作业程序
- 制定补充供水程序,后备卫生措施,水 & 食品质量检测,固体废物处理,污水处理
Mitigation is the activities designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property or to lessen the actual or potential effects or consequences of an incident. 怀安多特县公共卫生部门通过以下方式缓解突发公共卫生事件:
- 提供疾病免疫接种
- 提供持续的健康检查
- 通过实施一项全面的监测计划
- 提供公众健康意识/教育方案
- 向公众提供如何在灾难中保护自己的紧急信息
- 开展疾病控制行动,例如提供有关保持社交距离的信息, 自愿的检疫, 避难所, 并开始大规模预防行动
- augmenting the staff at the Wyandot County Health Department as necessary to provide basic day-to-day public health functions while performing emergency response activities
- requesting material support from other local health departments and related organizations through emergency operations center representative
- 维持环境卫生检查服务
- 协调有关固体废物处理的环境卫生活动, 食物及水质, 病媒控制, 以及住房卫生检查
- 提供必要的疫苗接种/预防
- 按照地方、州和联邦官员的要求编写健康报告
- 检查已停用的避难所,以加强卫生和害虫控制
- 根据需要继续开展应对活动
Anyone within Wyandot County wishing to offer feedback on the current plans of 怀安多特县公共卫生部 contact us at envhealth@co.怀安多特语.oh.us. 卫生部门的代表将与您联系以作出安排.
在自然发生的传染病爆发或故意的生物恐怖主义事件中, 快速发现事件发生的能力将是至关重要的. 生物问题的迅速发现将大大减少受事件影响的个体数量. 因此, 怀安多特县公共卫生部实施了一项全面的传染病监测方案.
该计划涉及与地方和州一级的各种机构建立网络的倡议, 以及, 由合同流行病学家使用的复杂疾病调查和跟踪软件. 在一起, the two elements of the surveillance programs will enable the health department to rapidly detect and 回应 to any infectious disease incident whether natural or intentional in nature. 以下是我们监控项目的合作伙伴名单:
- 怀恩多纪念医院
- 俄亥俄州卫生部/健康警报网络
- 俄亥俄州农业部
- 俄亥俄州自然资源部
- 怀恩多地区家庭医生
- 怀恩多特地区的兽医
- 怀恩多地区药房
The following is a list of the surveillance programs that are used by 怀安多特县公共卫生部 to rapidly detect and 回应 to 传染病暴发:
- 震中:是俄亥俄州综合征监测的主要来源. The system monitors hospital emergency departments and Urgent Care chief complaints and issues alerts when the number of specific chief complaints exceeds the threshold for predicted cases.
- The National Retail Data Monitoring System (NRDM): The NRDM collects sales data on select over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical items. 然后对这些数据进行监测,以发现可能表明公共卫生事件的OTC销售增加.
- 俄亥俄州疾病报告系统(ODRS):在俄亥俄州, certain infectious diseases are reportable to the local and state health departments per Ohio Administrative Code 3701-3-02. ODRS帮助卫生保健提供者和卫生部门人员快速报告疾病. 护理 staff members interview communicable disease cases reported through ODRS in a effort to obtain potential exposure information in hopes of preventing illness in others 以及 to ensure ill individuals receive medical care.
怀安多特县公共卫生部 环境 Division also collects ticks to monitor the prevalence of the Black-legged Deer Tick and the Lonestar Tick within Wyandot County. 众所周知,这两种蜱虫都会传播莱姆病. The 环境 Division also sets mosquito traps during the summer to monitor the prevalence of West Nile Virus with the County. 动物咬伤报告通过各合作伙伴提交给公共卫生部门. 在公共卫生部收到这些报告后,主人会收到动物的检疫通知. 如果动物在隔离期间死亡,其头部将被送往实验室进行狂犬病检测.
怀安多特县公共卫生部’s role in ensuring the safety of the local population during a naturally occurring infectious disease outbreak or an intentional bio-terrorism event is vitally important. 在爆发或事故的情况下, the local health department is prepared to offer medical support in the form of vaccinations or antibiotic prophylaxis and education relevant to the outbreak or incident. 计划在全县的特定地点作为必要的分发点.
在过去的几十年中, 在美国,自然灾害和人为灾害的数量有所增加. 随着越来越多的人迁入灾害易发地区, the ability to rapidly and effectively 回应 to these disasters has become a significant role of the local health department. It has been found that the number of individuals who seek medical attention profoundly increases days after the disaster has passed. Infectious disease problems related to damaged sanitation systems and polluted drinking water 以及 novice homeowners utilizing power tools and unsafe debris removal techniques overwhelm the local health care system after a disaster. 怀安多特县公共卫生部 is meeting these potential situations by revamping our emergency operations procedures to include medical response capabilities 以及 post-disaster education, 环境测试项目. 这些更新的计划无疑将减少灾后伤害和疾病的数量.
我们在怀安多特县最可能遇到的灾难类型, 根据怀安多特县紧急行动计划, 如下所列.
- 民事障碍
- 干旱
- 地震
- 洪水
- 危险物品事故
- 核/辐射
- 管道爆炸
- 龙卷风/严重的风暴
- 冬季的风暴
- 交通事故
- 能源紧急情况
- 一级大坝溃坝
在整个20世纪90年代,美国政府注意到核武器的扩散和使用急剧增加, 生物, 化学武器. 在2001年底的炭疽袭击中, it was quickly realized that there were major shortfalls in our country’s ability to 回应 to large-scale WMD attacks. 从那时起, the infrastructure of the country’s local health departments have been drastically upgraded to enable the local health department to prepare and 回应 to WMD incidents. 在当地,怀安多特县公共卫生部门一直致力于以下举措:
- 资讯科技升级, 地理信息系统, 电信基础设施使卫生部门能够一天24小时有效地作出反应
- 实施多学科监测系统
- 协调培训, preparedness exercises and mutual aid agreements with ODH and other local health departments within proximity to Wyandot County
- 为怀安多特县的执法部门提供技术援助, 消防部门, 和EMS机构
- 国土安全对策的实施
- 急救人员和卫生保健教育项目
- 公共信息发布
在大规模传染病爆发或使用大规模杀伤性武器的情况下, 怀安多特县的药品库存将很快耗尽. 在地方层面上应对这一脆弱性, 联邦政府已经建立了国家战略储备. The stockpile is operated by the Center for Disease Control and consists of twelve “12-hour push packs” which are randomly placed around the country. The push packs contain hundreds of thousands of doses of pharmaceuticals and a full compliment of medical equipment that would be needed for a wide-range of infectious disease problems. 恰当地命名为12小时推送包, the packs are located throughout the United States so they can be delivered anywhere within 12 hours of being requested. 一次交付, 怀安多特县公共卫生部将负责接收, 仓库, 分发药品.
- The completion of a mass vaccination/prophylaxis plan that outlines how 怀安多特县公共卫生部 would distribute medication to the entire population of Wyandot County in a short period of time.
- 确定一个县的投放点和分发点,在那里将收到药物, 存储, 并在发生传染病爆发或生物恐怖主义事件时在怀安多特县内分发.
- Participation in drills and exercises that tests portions of the Mass Vaccination/Prophylaxis plan in preparation of an event.
- Completion of pre-scripted messaging to instruct the public what steps during an infectious disease outbreak or bioterrorist event to take to help protect their safety.