星期一下午, 4月8日, 2024 will bring sights of a total solar eclipse to visitors in Wyandot County and across Ohio. 根据 俄亥俄州紧急事务管理局, 日食的路径将跨越约124英里, 横跨13个州,从德克萨斯州到新罕布什尔州.
政府. DeWine has activated the Ohio Emergency Operations Center for Monday, 4月8日.
预计会有大批游客涌入这个社区, 怀安多特县公共卫生部 is offering the following tips for county residents and visitors alike to have a safe and fun solar eclipse watch party.
With additional people coming into the county and utilizing Wyandot County resources, locals and visitors are encouraged to plan ahead for interruptions to travel.
- 在日食前几天把你的汽车油箱加满油.
- Understand that travel immediately following the eclipse is likely to be slow due to the number of visitors who will be traveling out of the county. 有可能道路, 县城公路和高速公路, 会在日食之后备份几个小时吗. 如果可能的话,制定计划避免在下午和晚上出行. 游客们被鼓励“早点来”, and stay late” by making plans to stay into the next day to reduce the strain on the roadways.
- 放慢速度,小心驾驶. 2024年的日食, 就像每天一样, is a great time to remind yourself and your loved ones about the basics of safe driving. 系好安全带,清醒驾驶,不要超速,要小心驾驶. We want all of our visitors and county residents to have an enjoyable and safe time watching this special event.
For a complete list of things to do in Wyandot County during the eclipse weekend (lodging, 食物, 事件, 和紧急服务), 访问官方 怀安多特县2024日食网站
Wyandot County locals interested in offering temporary campsites to visitors may need to receive a temporary campground permit. Permits are required for temporary campgrounds that offer five or more campsites and that are charging a fee for staying on the property.
Everything you need to know about setting up your temporary campgrounds can be found on the 临时露营地页面.
一旦批准,县临时露营地将列在 怀安多特县2024日食网站. 俄亥俄州四月份的天气难以预测. 在你逗留期间,提前计划好安全的保暖和补水方法.
More people in the county means more people visiting the local stores for supplies. 确保你的家庭储备了必要的食物、药物等. in the days leading up to the eclipse to get through the eclipse weekend and a few days after.
一定要在月食周末之前从银行取出一些现金! It’s possible that additional visitors will put strain on the available cash and on credit systems in the area. 确保你准备好了,以防万一.
Wyandot County offers many wonderful local restaurants and favorite chain restaurants. Local 食物 trucks also are likely to be operating during the eclipse weekend.
For 食物 establishments looking to sell 食物 off-site, additional permits are needed. 更多信息可在 临时食品摊贩包. 还有问题吗?? 联系怀安多特县公共卫生部,电话:419-294-3852.
Some organizations may opt to offer 食物 “by donation,” which does not require a license. 请注意,这些组织不能提供捐赠金额. These facilities do not undergo the same inspection and certification protocols through 怀安多特县公共卫生部 as temporary 食物 vendors, 流动食品车, 食品服务运营.
The increase in people using local cellphone towers and internet services may have some effect on our communication abilities. 不要依赖短信或网络来工作. 提前为这些干扰做好计划. Print out or screen shot important information and directions ahead of the eclipse. 制定一个计划,以便在需要时如何联系紧急服务部门. Discuss ways to contact loved ones and neighbors in case of emergency or delay.
Rest assured that the Wyandot County Emergency Management Agency has tested communication systems and has prepared redundant communication methods to ensure that emergency communication lines are open and ready. 订阅接收怀恩多特县紧急警报 在这里.
It is never safe to look at a partial solar eclipse without proper safety equipment or techniques. 在很短的时间内,太阳处于日全食状态, 日全食可能只会持续很短的时间, and when looking towards the sun as the moon moves away from blocking the sun, one might get a solar burn on their retina which can cause permanent damage to their eyes. 访问 NASA的眼睛安全网页 了解更多.
The Ohio Emergency Management Association explains that the only safe way to look directly at a partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, 例如日食眼镜或手持太阳观测仪. 自制的滤镜和普通的太阳镜不能提供足够的保护.Start thinking now about eye safety to determine the best viewing option for yourself and your loved ones.
- Make sure that your eclipse safety glasses or viewers are certified as meeting international standards for safe solar viewing. The current standard for safe solar viewing is ISO 12312-2; your eclipse safety glasses or viewers should have this designation printed on them.
- Take care to purchase your glasses or viewers directly from a recognized manufacturer of certified safe eclipse glasses or a reputable seller that purchased from a recognized manufacturer. 信誉良好的供应商
- Solar eclipse glasses should be used when watching an annular or partial solar eclipse as well as during total solar eclipses (except during the very brief time the sun is in total eclipse, 即便如此, 使用谨慎).
- Always inspect your solar filter before use; if scratched or damaged, discard it. 阅读并遵循过滤器上印刷或包装的任何说明.
- 总是监督孩子使用太阳能过滤器.
- Stand still and cover your eyes with your eclipse glasses or solar viewer before looking up at the bright sun. 在看了太阳之后, 转过身去,摘下你的过滤器——不要在看太阳的时候摘下它.
- Do not look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through an unfiltered camera, 望远镜, 双筒望远镜, 或其他光学装置.
- 类似的, 不要通过照相机看太阳, 一个望远镜, 双筒望远镜, 或任何其他光学设备 while using your eclipse glasses or hand-held solar viewer — the concentrated solar rays will damage the filter and enter your eye(s), 造成严重伤害.
- 在相机上使用太阳滤镜前,请咨询专家意见, 一个望远镜, 双筒望远镜, 或任何其他光学设备. 请注意,任何望远镜的前部都必须安装太阳滤光片, 双筒望远镜, 相机镜头, 或者其他光学.
- 如果你经常戴眼镜,那就戴上. Put your eclipse glasses on over them, or hold your handheld viewer in front of them.
即使在日偏食或日环食期间, 或者在日全食的部分阶段, 太阳会很亮. If you are watching an entire eclipse, you may be in direct sunlight for hours. Remember to wear sunscreen, a hat, and protective clothing to prevent skin damage.
找到更多的 在阳光下保持安全的小贴士 来自美国.S. 美国食品药品监督管理局.